International Journal of Reproducing Kernels 

ISSN: 2753-8028

1. Preface 

Heinrich Begehr and Saburou Saitoh                              DOWNLOAD    

2. What is a reproducing kernel? - Some essences for the new Journal

Author: Tsutomu Matsuura and Saburou Saitoh                                  DOWNLOAD   

3. Deformed Stockwell Transform and Applications on the Reproducing Kernel Theory

Author: Hatem Mejjaoli                            DOWNLOAD

4. Harmonic Neumann Function for a Planar Circular Rectangle - A Case Study

Author: H.Begehr, H.Lin, Hua Liu & Bibinur Shupeyeva                   DOWNLOAD

5. Kostant-Souriau-Odzijewicz Quantization of a Mechanical System Whose Classical Phase Space is a Siegel Domain

Author: E.Barletta, S.Dragomir & Francesco Esposito         DOWNLOAD