New Journal Proposals
Roman Science Publications is an academic publisher with Peer Reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
As an innovative publisher of open access journals in a wide range of subjects, Roman Science Publications is always interested in exploring new opportunities, including launching new journals or digital products and partnering on existing titles.
Potential proposal for the new journals can be sent via email to Ms. Rachale (In Charge of New Products)
For guidance purposes, please see below an example of a well researched, completed, informative and compelling new journal proposal. For further information, consult the “How to write a journal proposal” guide.
1. Proposed Title of the journal and Scope
2. Proposed Editor (Example):
Paul Chynoweth BSc LLB Solicitor, Senior Lecturer in Property & Construction Law,
University of Salford, UK.
3. Journal Specification:
Proposed launch date: April 2009
No. of issues per year: 3 (during launch year – to be reviewed thereafter)
No. of papers per year: 15 (5 papers per issue)
Non-article content (e.g. conference diary, news section,
book review section):
None initially but, as described in para 1.3 (below), further sections
may be included
following a review after the initial start up period.
Review process (e.g. editor-reviewed, double blind, etc.):
Double Blind
4. Proposed Editorial Team, Editorial Board Membership and their Affiliations
5. We will apply the ISSN after the uploading of the first issue of the journal in the website.
6. Plagiarism policy and copy right policy.