Karshi International 
Journal of

Science and Technologies 

ISSN: Under process

Editor in Chief

Prof. Dr. Davron Aslonqulovich Juraev
(University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi, Uzbekistan)

Authors requested to submit their papers electronically for the series “Mathematical Sciences” to kijstms@gmail.com and for the series “Technical Sciences” to kijstts@gmail.com

Click Here for complete Editorial Board

Published in London, UK by Roman Science Publications Inc.

Subject Area: Sciences, Technology, Engineering 

DOI: 10.61485/KIJST
                          ISSN: Under Process 

Open AccessThis journal also publishes Open Access articles

Journal metrics

Acceptance rate:  30%
Submission to final decision:  60 days
Acceptance to publication:  45 days

Aim and Scope

Karshi International Journal of Science and Technologies (KIJST) aims to publish research papers from all branches of Mathematical and Technical Sciences.

Every single step of the publishing process (submission, editorial process, review process, publication, and dissemination process) is done electronically and free of charge in KIJST. This journal benefits the double-blind reviewing policy using at least 2 reviewers. KIJST follows the guidelines of the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the COPE Flowcharts for Resolving Cases of Suspected Misconduct. The project of this journal was agreed upon and approved by the Scientific Council at the University of Economics and Pedagogy on September 30, 2023 in the city of Karshi, Uzbekistan.

The Mathematical Sciences series of Karshi International Journal of Science and Technologies (KIJST) accepts research articles in all areas of mathematical sciences and their applications. The Technical Sciences series of Karshi International Journal of Science and Technologies (KIJST) accepts research articles in all areas of technical sciences and their applications. The subject of the journal covers all branches of mathematics and techniques. KIJST is dedicated to publishing the highest-quality short papers, regular papers, and expository papers. KIJST considers only original and timely contributions containing new results in various fields of mathematics and computer engineering. 

The journal is essentially functioning on the basis of topical issues representing active areas of research. 

Topics of series Mathematical Sciences

Differential Equations, Dynamic Systems and Optimal Control 
Equations of Mathematical Physics, Integral Equations
Differential and Integral Equations of Mathematical Models of Natural Sciences 
Solving Ill-Posed Problems of Modern Mathematics 
Calculus of Variations and Mathematical Theory of Optimal Control, Computational Mathematics
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 
Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics 
Real, Complex and Functional Analysis 
Geometry and Topology, Fractal Calculus 
Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory 

Topics of series Technical Sciences

Mathematical Applications in Engineering, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Modeling, Applied Mathematics
Geomatics Engineering, Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics
Data Mining, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Computer Engineering, Modeling Mathematical Physical Sciences
Physical Engineering, Quantum Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Radio Engineering and Communications, Aerospace Engineering, Aviation Technology, UAV
Computer Science, Computer Technology, Mathematical Modelling, Modelling and Simulation, Information Security
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Transport, Traffic Engineering, Transportation Science
Nanotechnology, Chemical Technology, Food Technology
Geology Science and Engineering, Applied Physics to Geotechnical Engineering and Geophysics, Oil and Gas Equipment and Technologies
Mathematical Modeling of Technical Systems, Theoretical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics

By submitting a manuscript, the author acknowledges that it is original and not being submitted elsewhere. The Journal’s policy is to require the assignment of copyright from all contributors at the time articles are accepted for publication. Decisions concerning publication of manuscripts in the KIJST rest solely with the editors. The KIJST will strive to have a distinctive and balanced international contribution and become a scientific bridge between east and west by encouraging the publication of quality papers.

SubmissionAuthors requested to submit their papers electronically for the series Mathematical Sciences” to kijstms@gmail.com and for the series “Technical Sciences” to kijstts@gmail.com

Article Processing Charges: No Article processing Fee in the journal.   

LicenseCreative Commons 4.0

Abbreviation: KIJST

Type of Journal: Academic/Scholarly 

Start Year: January, 2024 

Indexing and Abstracting: The journal will be index in  Google Scholar, Research Gate... 

Frequency: KIJST is an biannual Journal i.e. Two issue every year (June and December every year)

Plagiarism: Must be less than 20% without bibliography.  

Sample Article :       Latex file               pdf file 

Retractions: Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. We may consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation. All retraction notices will explain why the article was retracted. The retraction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article.

Review Process: This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The articles is submitted to minimum 2 reviewers specialize on the topic for their reviews.