International Journal of 
Information Technology



ISSN: 2752-4361 

Journal metrics

Acceptance rate:  30%
Submission to final decision:  60 days
Acceptance to publication:  45 days

Subject Area:
 Information Technology, Decision Sciences 
and Knowledge Management

Published in London, UK by Roman Science Publications Inc.

                ISSN: 2752-4361  

Open AccessThis journal also publishes Open Access articles

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management is a refereed journal in the field of information technology (IT) and knowledge management. The objectives of IJITKM is to promote exchange of information and knowledge in research works, new inventions and developments in information management and knowledge management and on the use of information technology towards the structuring of an information rich society. The research tracks include but not limited to library science, artificial intelligence, communications and networking, information systems management, information management, records management, library management and knowledge management through scholarly publication.  
Frequency (June and December). 

Submission: Authors  requested to submit their papers electronically to

Article Processing Charges:
 No article processing charges in this journal. 

: Creative Commons 4.0

Abbreviations: IJITKM

Indexing and Abstracting
: The journal will be index in  Google Scholar, Research Gate... 

: IJITKM is an bi-annual journal publish two times in a year i.e. January and July every year.

All the articles will be check through Turnitin Software before the publication of the journal. 

Retractions: Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. We may consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation. All retraction notices will explain why the article was retracted. The retraction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article.

Review Process: 
This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The articles is submitted to minimum 3 reviewers specialize on the topic for their reviews. 

Copy Right

Sample Article 

Editorial Board

Instructions to the Authors 

Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statements 

Vol. 1 No. 1 (January, 2021)