Studies in Contemporary

 Mathematics and

Engineering Sciences 


(Stud. Contemp. Math.Eng. Sci.)


 Published in London, UK by Roman Science Publications 

Journal Metrics

Acceptance rate:  30%
Submission to final decision:  60 days
Acceptance to publication:  45 days
Cite Score : Not Available Yet

Subject Area: Engineering (General Engineering): Mathematics, Sciences

Aim and Scope

Studies in Contemporary Mathematics and Engineering Sciences is an peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research papers in all fields of excellent theoretical and applied research in all present and future era Engineering, Computing, Contemporary Mathematics  and Sciences regulations. From basic research to application development in all the fields of studies of below mentioned regulations is the broad range of SCMES. The SCMES are excellent, intellectual, peer reviewed combination of journals that take a scholarly approach in creating, developing, integrating, sharing and applying knowledge about all the fields of study in Engineering, Mathematics, Computing and Sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession. It provides rapid publications and a forum to the academics, scholars and advanced level students for exchanging significant information and productive ideas associated with all these disciplines. Papers published in SCMES take an intellectual approach to knowledge, wisdom, training and learning. They establish a clear connection to student learning, and appeal to a wide range of audience interested in Engineering, Computing education and Sciences. The teachers, researchers, instructors, curriculum designers, and administrators are the key beneficial of SCMES.

Submission: Authors are requested to submit article electronically via . 

Article Processing Charges: The journal publish articles in Open Access Model. In this Open Access model, the publication cost should be covered by the author's institution or research funds. These Open Access charges replace subscription charges and allow the publishers to give the published material away for free to all interested online visitors. For more details kindly read the Instructions to the Authors Section.

License: Creative Commons 4.0

Indexing and Abstracting
: The journal is index in  Google Scholar, Research Gate... 

: Two issues per year. 

All the articles will be check through Turnitin Software before the publication of the journal. 

Retractions: Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. We may consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation. All retraction notices will explain why the article was retracted. The retraction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article.

Review Process: This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The articles is submitted to minimum 
reviewers specialize on the topic for their reviews. 

Online Submission System

Editorial Board

Instructions to Authors

Publications Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement