International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences


International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is a bi-annual  peer reviewed, online, open access international multi-disciplinary journal published by Roman Science Publications and Distributions which covers all aspects of scientific and engineering research. IJEAS primarily aims to bring out the research talent and the works done by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, scholars, post graduate students of engineering and science so that fellow researchers can get benefit from the research done.  This journal aims to cover the scientific research in a broader sense and not just publishing a niche area of research facilitating researchers from various verticals to publish their papers. It also aims to provide a platform for the researchers to publish in a shorter duration of time (normal duration of submission to publication will be within one- two month) enabling them to continue further in their respective research. What we offer will surely differ from other journals, we are not aiming to run a html+pdf journal but to provide a comprehensive publishing suite for the authors where they can get a full service. We too knew that there are bountiful number of journal available in both online and print version but from our side we are making every possible attempt to differntiate. IJEAS from the pool of journals and support authors publishing through us. Our support to new authors is not limited and we are ready to support any new authors with required facilities and support by our expert editorial board.

Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to XXXXXXXX.  

: Two issues per year are published.

Article Processing Charges: Their is no articles processing charges in the journal.