Journal of Basic and Applied Biology
ISSN: 0973-8207
J Basic Applied Biol.
Aim and Scope
Journal of Basic and Applied Biology is a bi-annual international journal devoted to publication of research on various aspects of basic and applied biology. Publication is open to all researchers from all over the world. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must represent reports of original research and that, it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Please not that all papers in Journal of Basic and Applied Biology are peer reviewed.
All papers are reviewed by at least two referees with recognised competence within their field of research and by an Editor appointed by the Editor-in-Chief to be responsible for editing the manuscript.
The authors agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the publisher (Copyright 2007, Journal of Basic and Applied Biology, the Editorial Office), if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
Supplements to the journal in the form of monographs etc. may be published, but all costs related to the production of supplements are to be paid by the orderer/author. The Editor-in-Chief should be contacted prior to submission of supplements. Supplements are treated in the same way as other submissions.