Journal Metrics
Acceptance to publication: Not available
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Published in UK by Roman Science Publications Inc.
Aim and Scope
Applied Data Analysis and Modern Stochastic Models main objective is to welcome papers, both theoretical or practical, presenting new techniques and methodologies in the broad area of stochastic modeling and applied data analysis. An objective is to use the methods proposed for solving real life problems by analyzing the relevant data. Also, the use of recent advances in different fields will be promoted such as for example, new optimization and statistical methods, data warehouse, data mining and knowledge systems, computing-aided decision supports and neural computing.
Particular attention will be given to interesting applications in engineering, productions and services (maintenance, reliability, planning and control, quality control, finance, insurance, management and administration, inventory and logistics, marketing, environment, human resources, biotechnology, medicine, ...).
Methodological approaches
Poisson, Markov, semi-Markov
Point processes,
Martingales, Stochastic calculus,
Random evolutions,
Decision and Controlled
Diffusion and Poisson
Asymptotic models and Weak
Statistical inference for
Stochastic processes ,
Hidden Markov and semi-Markov
Fitting models for data,
Reliability and survival
Bayesian inference,
Functional data analysis,
Discriminant and Regression
Mixture model and Probabilistic
approach to Clustering,
Analysis of complex data
(incomplete, censored, missing, spatio-temporal, imprecise, fuzzy,...),
Theories of uncertainty,
Graphical models and Bayesian
Multidimensional Scaling and
Multi-way Data Analysis,
Sensory Analysis,
Classification and Documentation,
Data and Text Mining,
Chaotic and Stochastic processes,
Analysis of Chaotic processes.
Special techniques and
Neural Networks,
Genetic and Fuzzy Algorithms,
Support Vector Machine,
Monte Carlo Methods,
Chaotic Simulation.
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to
Frequency: Two issues per year are published.
Article Processing Charges: Their is no articles processing charges in the journal.
Abbreviations: Appl. Data. Anal. Modern. Stoch. Models.
License: Creative Commons 4.0
Plagiarism: All the articles will be check through Turnitin Software before the publication of the journal.
Article Preparation Template: Latex file pdf file
Review Process: Any article submitted to the journals of adamsm for Publications will be subjected to the following course of editorial and peer review process.
All submitted articles will be initially studied by the editorial board for suitability of the article to be included in the peer review process. Articles that are not suitable will be rejected at this stage itself and the concerned authors will be informed on the same. If an article is found to be suitable its submitted to the concerned Editor who inspects the manuscript, if he determines that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to be submitted for review or if the submitted manuscript is out of scope of the journal he reject the submission without any further processing. An email will be sent to the concerned author informing about the rejection of manuscript.
Retractions: Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. We may consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation. All retraction notices will explain why the article was retracted. The retraction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article.
Editorial Board
Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statements
Vol. 1 No. 1 (June, 2023)