EDITORIAL POLICY: Asian African Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, a biannual peer reviewed journal (June-December), publishes original articles in the field of anthropology, sociology, demography, human biology, environmental studies, medical anthropology, tribal and rural economy, and development studies, etc. It welcomes theoretical articles too, without geographical restriction. The basic policy of AAJSA is to develop a media for exchange of ideas, research news, technical reports, conference news, etc. among scholars of Asia and Africa. Paper that has already appeared elsewhere will not be accepted for publication. The views expressed by the author(s) in the original articles(s) are entirely and necessarily theirs, and not that of the Editor.
Submission Guidelines
i) The submission should follow the following details: Cover letter, Title page , Abstract, Main article , Photographs/Maps/Tables/Diagrams. It should be sent to the Chief Editor/ Regional Editor by e-mail. Those who will send it by surface mail, must send two copies of article/ paper/ write up to the editorial office. For reviews two copies of books or CD/DVD with a covering letter are to be sent to the Chief Editor.
ii) The submission should be accompanied by a cover letter. It would clearly mention that the paper is original, not submitted anywhere for publication and not published before. It will also give details about the contributions of the co-authors if the paper has more than one author. It should contain a brief explanation of what was previously known, the conceptual advance provided by the findings, and the significance of the findings to a broad readership. The cover letter may contain suggestions for appropriate reviewers and up to three requests for reviewer exclusions. The cover letter is confidential to the editors and will not be available to reviewers.
iii) Title page should contain following information: Title (not more than 3 lines in 12 pt bold [10 characters] or 14 pt bold[8 characters] including spaces ), Short title to be used as running head, Author(s) affiliation (department(s) or sub unit(s), institution, city, state or region, zip code or postal code, country, E-mail, Telephone numbers with country code), Corresponding Authors should be marked with ‘*’( asterisks).
iv) Abstract should consist of a single paragraph of 200-300 words. It should clearly convey the conceptual advance and significance of the work to a broad readership. In particular, the Abstract should contain a brief background of the question, a description of the results without extensive experimental detail, and a brief summarization of the significance of the findings. References should not be cited in the Abstract. It should contain 6-10 key words.
v) The main paper/article should be within 5000-7000 words i.e 10 -14 pages as per the extant norm of the journal app. 550 words per page. It is to be formatted in 12pts normal Times New Roman (TNR) font with single spacing in soft copy submission or double spacing in hard copy ( two sets). It should conform to the following guideline while arranging the main article:
a) The paper should have the sectional divisions ( may not always be as heading or sub heading) : Introduction, Materials / Methods/ Literature reviews, Result , Discussion , Acknowledgements, Endnotes, References.
b) Subheading should be in 12pt bold in TNR and left aligned. Second subheading should be 12pt italics in TNR and left inclined. Each Heading should have double spacing with preceding paragraph and single spacing with succeeding one. In case of Subheading there will be single spacing with preceding paragraph and single spacing with succeeding one.
c) Formatting should be justified always.
d) Endnotes should be marked by superscript in the main text and listed at the end of the paper before references.
e) In- text reference should be mentioned either as ‘Bose (1953)’ or ‘(Bose,1953)’. In case of quoted text page number is to be given as ‘(Bose:: 1953:65)’.
f) In case of vernacular text quoted it should be in Romanization / IPA. Its meaning should be given in a paragraph following the text. All quoted text including English should be given in one point down in double spacing in all the four sides.
g) All vernacular words should be italicized with appropriate meaning explained in the text or adjacent parenthesis. For names proper noun (river, book etc, ) ,caste/ varna/community name , the first word is to be in capital followed by lower case.
h) Use single quotation mark for words not more than a sentence. Text quotation is to be placed separately if it is more than one sentence in 1 point down with single space in all sides.
i) For further details please consult reference manual.
MANUSCRIPT: Manuscript should be in English with an Abstract
of 150 words or less, which should be ahead of the introductory text. The
abstract should be written as the conclusion of the article and not mere
description. Key words, not more than ten, should be given above the abstract.
Full-length article should usually be organised into Introduction, Method,
Results, Discussion, Conclusion, etc. The manuscript (maximum 25 pages) should
be prepared in MS Word format. Original copy of the manuscript and one soft
copy in 1.44 MB should be submitted in complete form with the author’s full
name, designation and complete postal address, telephone number and e-mail ID.
The authors can also send the paper through e-mail to < aajsa.editor@gmail.com>, and one hard copy through postal
REFERENCES CITED: References should be cited in the text by author’s
last name and year of publication, e.g., Appadurai (’83); and for complete
reference - Appadurai, Arjun 1983. The puzzling status of Brahman temple
priests in Hindu India. Asian African Journal of Sociology and Anthropology,
4(1):43-52. When more than one author - H. Walter, Maria Hilling, Indera P.
Singh, M. K. Bhasin, J. D. Goud and P. Veerraju 1980. Gm and Inv phenotypes and
gene frequencies in Indian populations. South Asian Anthropologist, 1(2):69-75.
For book reference - Jalal, A. 1995. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South
Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. For
article in book - Jewitt, S. and S. Kumar 2000. A political ecology of forest
management: Gender and sylvicultural knowledge in Jharkhand, India. In: P.
Stott and S. Sullivan (eds.), Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power, pp.
91-113. Edward Arnold: London. Unacceptable articles will not be returned.