3. Natural Essence of Malay Poison from Melaleuca cajuputi as Potential Natural Herbicide and Microbes Inhibitor
Date of Submission: 21st July 2023 Revised: 12th August 2023 Accepted: 24th August 2023

Poisoning is an art that Malays are well skilled at and recognized for. Numerous poisons are utilized differently; also, most characteristics relating to intoxication, poisoning, or therapeutic use are directly dependent on the origin of the substance such as animals or plants. Melaleuca cajuputi (gelam) belongs to the Myrtaceae family, and the Malay population has traditionally used it for several functions and reasons. Nevertheless, its natural essence has not been deeply researched; hence, this work aimed to assess the chemical characteristics of M. cajuputi and evaluate their impact on microbial processes and weed development. The observations indicated that three primary phenolic acids (Vanillic acid, Ferulic acid, and Caffeic acid), including one volatile substance, were identified, indicating a total phenolic content of 493.92±6.88 μg GAE/g DW. Extracts from M. cajuputi leaves inhibited aquatic weed activity against Rotala rotundifolia and Glossostigma elatinoides; treatment levels were between 10 and 50 g/L. Similarly, there were inhibitory observations against microbes like Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermis. Hence, these observations are vital since it is the foundational study concerning the use of poisonous Malay plant species as antimicrobials and natural herbicides in Malaysia.
Key words/Index Terms
Aquatic weed, Malay poison, Melaleuca cajuputi, natural herbicide, phenolic compound.
Cite this paper
Ramya, R., Othman, R., Mohd Hatta, F.A., Wan Sulaiman, W.S.H. and Mohd Latiff, N.H. (2023). Natural Essence of Malay Poison from Melaleuca cajuputi as Potential Natural Herbicide and Microbes Inhibitor. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology 5(3), pp.18-24.

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