Asian Journal of Decision Sciences
Prof. Abhinav Pant
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Aim and Scope
Chinese Journal of Decisions Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal. The main objective of Chinese Journal of Decisions Sciences (CJDS) is to provide an international forum for practitioners and researchers both for-profit and non-profit organizations, along with information technology professionals, software developers, and vendors, to exchange, share, and present useful and innovative ideas and work. CJDS emphasizes the presentation and distribution of ground-breaking and original theories and concepts, which can shape future directions of research. These, when applied, can enable policy makers, government officials, business managers, and different decision makers to spread over various advanced techniques and new applications of information technology. CJDS also supports discussions on how information systems can promote decision making, and also in turn, how the advances brought about by these decision making practices can affect the growth in, and future application of, information technology. All models (normative, descriptive, cognitive, and prescriptive) are encouraged.
Indexing: The journal will be index in Google Scholar, Publons,
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to
Frequency: Semi-annual.
Subject: Decision Sciences, Information Systems and Management
Readership: The journal is useful for the Economists, Management, Policy Makers, Academicians, Universities, Researchers and related bodies.
Article Processing Charges: Their is no articles processing charges in the journal.
License: Creative Commons 3.0
Chinese Journal of Decisions Sciences currently
has an acceptance rate of 18%. The average time between submission and
final decision is 1 month and the average time between acceptance and
publication is 3 to 4 month.
Review Process: This
journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer
and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa,
throughout the review process. The articles is submitted to minimum 3
reviewers specialize on the topic for their reviews.
Corrections to Published Work:
Honest errors are a part of research and publishing and require publication of a correction when they are detected. We expect authors to inform the Journal’s Editor of any errors of fact they have noticed or been informed of in their article once published. Corrections are made at the journal’s discretion. The correction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article, but in all circumstances a correction notice is published as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Call for Papers section of the journal website.
Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. We may consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation. All retraction notices will explain why the article was retracted. The retraction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article.
Important Tools: English Grammar Checker Plagiarism Checking Proofreading